Pasay City West High School


HomePasay City West High School
Pasay City West High School was established in 1949 and was originally named Manuel L. Quezon High School. It started its operation with nine teachers, a clerk, a janitor, and a principal to manage the institution.

In its opening year, 234 youths of different ages from Pasay City enrolled. They attended classes from 7:30 in the morning to 4:30 in the afternoon in an old building divided into nine classrooms.

The first year of operation was a resounding success over the next two school years, with enrollment increasing by almost 100%. That time students from neighboring city of Manila and municipalities of Makati, Parañaque, Taguig, Las Piñas and Muntinlupa enrolled in the school.

The rise in the number of enrollees had caused two major problems: who would teach the students and where to accommodate them. But city officials led by the late Mayor Carlos Revilla, were undaunted. They raised funds from various sources for the hiring of more mentors and for the purchase of a 10,292 square-meter lot along FB Harrison Street. One year after, a 23-room school building was erected and on August 25, 1952, the said building was inaugurated with then Vice President Fernando J. Lopez as guest speaker. But because many other schools were named after the late Pres. Manuel Quezon, school officials proposed to the city council to change the name of the institution. So, that same year, by virtue of Resolution No. 145, Manuel L. Quezon High School was renamed Pasay City High School.

Mr. Bernardo A. Fajardo, the first Principal who successfully led the school to programs and prominence. After eighteen years, Mr. Fajardo retired in August 16, 1967. Mrs. Anita H. Pizarro, the assistant principal, took the helm of leadership where the predecessor left.As the new principal, Mrs. Pizarro strived even harder for the school to reach new heights. Classrooms were added, teachers were hired, and facilities were acquired and installed. But more than what was expected, a large number of students enrolled, causing congestion in the school which posed a bigger problem. Each problem, however, to the minds of school administrators and city officials, has a solution. Wasting no time, they agreed to put up annexes. Thus, the creation of Pasay City East High School in Malibay District and Pasay City South High School in Nichols Air Base, now, Villamor Air Base. After a year, the two annexes became independent, so for the second time, Pasay City High School was officially named Pasay City West High School.

The school has sustained its glory as the leader school in Pasay City public secondary schools. Pasay City West High School, 74 years later, is stronger and more dynamic in fulfilling its mission and providing quality education.

Mrs. Pizarro stirred the school to fame and glory. She raised the level of professionalism of teachers and school personnel—developed the culture of good discipline among students, and promoted goodwill to city government officials and to the leaders of various organizations in the city and neighboring municipalities. She left the school with many legacies to be proud of for a more challenging assignment- as assistant superintendent of the school’s division of Cavite City.

Mrs. Maura U. Sevilla took over the leadership. She continued the programs initiated by Mrs. Pizarro. She also undertook various projects, all for the benefit of the teachers and students. Meanwhile, the school’s enrollment reached the 3,000 level. This is despite the proximity of the school’s location to other secondary educational institutions. Mrs. Sevilla reached retirement age on November 29, 1988. Mrs. Antonia V. Santos then Assistant Principal, took over as OIC-Principal.

Mrs. Santos served for only six months but her impact was greatly felt. She initiated the clean and green project, revived the culture of punctuality among teachers and personnel, and changed the study habits of the students. It was during her time when the school led in cleanliness, discipline of students, professionalism of teachers, and proudly, in academic excellence.

Mr. Felix A. Balbaguio, was appointed as the school’s fourth principal in July 1989. He served only up to July 1991, but in two years, he had shown through his deeds the example of an honest government official.

Dr. Vivencio Q. Mendoza was the next principal. He led the school up to July 26, 1997. His six-year stay was also worth remembering. He improved the facilities of the school and face lifted the buildings through repainting of walls and installing of grills on the windows and corridors.

Dr. Mendoza was promoted to assistant superintendent in the Schools Division of Palawan province. With his departure, Mrs. Aracelli T. Chua, the Principal of Pasay City East High School took his place. She stayed until May 31, 1998, leaving a legacy of friendliness to her subordinates and discipline to the students.

June 1, 1998, Mr. Nancy D. Flores, Principal of Pasay City South High School was transferred to Pasay City West High School and replaced Mrs. Chua. Like the previous principals, she left a legacy of her own. She organized the ANKLUNG Ensemble and procured costumes for the school’s cultural performers. She was reassigned to Pasay City South High School after four years of serving Pasay City West High School.

Dr. Jeremias Pascual, Principal of Pasay City North High School replaced Mrs. Flores. A man of courage and dedication, he worked for unity and cooperation of teachers and school personnel. He retired on January 16, 2004, and Mrs. Lourdes G. Garrido, the English Department Head, was assigned as OIC principal.

Mrs. Garrido served for a short period of six months, but her excellent leadership earned her a promotion. Not long after, she was designated as OIC principal of Pasay City North High School, Annex and was promoted to a permanent position.

Dr. Myrna M. Sarmiento became the tenth principal of the Pasay City West High School. Because of her dynamism and commitment to her position as a leader, she was considered remarkable and an extraordinary principal. She retired on June 20, 2014.

Mrs. Lourdes G. Garrido took over the position after Dr. Sarmiento’s retirement. Like the other principals, she continued the programs and projects of the school with dedication and dynamism. She retired on February 2, 2015. After the retirement of Mrs. Garrido, Mrs. Rita Repoquit, a Head Teacher from the Social Studies Department was designated as OIC-Principal of Pasay City West High School from February 3 to May 11, 2015.

On May 12, 2015, Dr. Myrna B. Gaza, the Principal of Pasay City East High School transferred to Pasay City West High School and became the 12th Principal of the school. An alumna of the Pasay City West High School Batch ’76, she has been confronted with the challenges of the implementation of the Senior High School by school year 2016-2017. A dynamic leader that she is, Dr. Gaza was able to carry out the implementation of the senior high school in PCHWS.

After four years, Dr. Gaza was promoted as the head of Pasay City School Governance and Operation Division (SGOD). Thus, Dr. Maripaz T. Mendoza, Education Program Supervisor for Science and Technology, was designated as the school’s OIC Principal from November 26, 2019 to November 8, 2020. Dr. Mendoza initiated the establishment of the school’s reading corner on the topmost floor of Building 3. She also procured some equipment for the Special Program in Foreign Languages (SPFL) room. She served for almost a year

On November 9, 2020, Mr. Peter R. Cannon Jr., was appointed as the school’s principal. It is like a homecoming for Mr. Cannon as he served PCWHS as a classroom teacher from 1989 to 1991. It’s also in PCWHS where Mr. Cannon has slowly rose to ranks—from Master Teacher 1 to Master Teacher 2. While at PCWHS, Mr. Cannon continued to grow professionally until he was transferred to another school not as a teacher but as a department head in 2007. And in May 7, 2015 to November 2020, he served as principal of Pasay City East High School Then, after 13 years, Mr. Cannon returned to PCWHS, the school that honed his skills in the academe. Like a good son giving back to his mother, Sir Cannon serves PCWHS passionately, hoping to glorify the school’s status in education services.

Mr. Agapito Teodoro N. Manaog, was appointed as school's principal on August 23, 2023, following by order Division Circular No. 1355 by Department of Education - Pasay City.

74 years have passed, yet Pasay City West High School remains stronger and more dynamic in fulfilling its mission of providing quality education and other basic educational services.At present, the school aside from the Regular Program, offers four Special Programs namely the Special Science or Science and Technology Education (STE) (formerly known DOST Program—Special program in Foreign Language (SPFL) German), SPFL Mandarin, Open High School Program and Alternative Learning System (ALS) for the Out of School Youths.

Pasay City West High School remains the City’s premier secondary education institution, and it will continue to soar and fly. The school will continue to perform and achieve through teachers’ professionalism and competencies, exemplary in student knowledge, skills, discipline and values to attain academic excellence.